The Sony Reader Pocket

I recently bought an e-reader, the Sony prs-300, from suggestion of Charles Stross. This is the first time I have had a portable reader since a handed-down Palm PDA in freshman year.

Since receiving a generous monthly stipend in graduate school, I have been buying paper books like crazy. Just as quickly as I started that hobby, and collecting a large to-read pile, it is now getting less attention than before with an e-reader providing text. The to-read pile is just taking up space at this point.

The device is small enough to fit in a jacket pocket even with the leather book case attached to  it, though It might bulge in small unlined coat pockets. There are no media slots, but with books taking kilobytes of space, the 440 megabyte internal space is sufficient.

Organization works great with Calibre. This software can also aggregate rss feeds to be uploaded to compatible devices for free. Since it is pdf compatible, it is easy to upload class readings to the device. However, the screen is small, so the pdf of a Letter format document will appear small. If the pdf was a scan with no selectable text, tough luck with the zoom button.

When purchasing it from Best Buy, I wasn’t paying attention to the color, and I ended up purchasing a pink version. I have since purchased a decorative decal to cover up the feminine color. As an insecure male, I am now pondering whether having a pink device or acquiring a decorative decal is more emasculating.

Ill see how long this one lasts.



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