Preview: Kelly Clarkson for Dallas Observer

This last week, my preview for Kelly Clarkson’s Friday March 1st concert appeared on Dallas Observers’s print edition.  (No link appears yet, I will upload the scanned page when available)

Previously, I wrote one of my “The Problem With…” columns about Clarkson’s single “Mr. Know It All”. Ever since I wrote that, I’ve falsely boasted to people at parties that I was the inspiration for that song. Writing about Kelly Clarkson again shows me how little I actually know about her.

I once heard the evocative, acoustic, pop-country song “Breakaway” in every venue tuned to a country music FM station -from diners to auto shops to dentist waiting rooms- since 2005. I only discovered  last year that Kelly Clarkson was the credited artist. It shows what I know.

I was also surprised by the song “Stronger”, whose title chorus paraphrases a popular Nietzsche quote and includes a catchy electro-clash rhythm.



