We should learn the language.

In the discourse about immigration (the main demographic concerned being those that belong to hispanic nationalities). The most “reasonable” argument concerning immigrants is that they should learn the language If they come to a foreign country.

I consider myself as multilingual. Since I learned English first, I think in English. From my experience, I can say that English is the hardest language I have had to learn.

Consider that I grew up during or after the supposed decline of America’s K-12 system. Even though I could read a little before preschool, I still had problems coming into grade school. I can remember a moment in first grade during a reading exercise that I pronounced the as “da” (I think it was more like “daw” with southern inflection due to the year my family lived in Georgia) I was promptly corrected by my reading partner with “the” (tongue up to your top teeth). For some reason, that lesson stuck to me the first time.

Consider that most migrant workers who come to this country “illegally” may not have had the advantage of a meager and soul-crushing public education paired with access  to practical information via library or internet (and morsels of television, most of it garbage).

Consider that they ARE learning the language. And that working for endless hours doesn’t give them a whole lot of practice for a difficult language that takes a lifetime to master.

Even if you’re not planning to leave America anytime soon, and you have time, Learn a language other than English. If you can, brush up on that language you touched upon in high school for your college requirement. You already have a head start on someone who just jumped the border trying to remember how to use “do” and “is” properly while fighting thirst and running toward that mirage that looks like a super-fancy pueblo called Tusan or Daglas.



