Do not buy the new metallica album

Not that i bought it, i downloaded some songs. It is pure crap. They tried to hinder production values to make it sound more “real”. They are forgetting that most bands who use crappy production do so because they can’t afford better.

Furthermore, most of it just sounded the same, and many songs could have been shorter instead of just repeating beats into an attempt to the “7-minute rock masterpiece ” formula.






2 responses to “Do not buy the new metallica album”

  1. kainthornn Avatar

    I hafta agree with ya there, it fell into MY hands and I couldn’t vomit fast enough…

  2. anonymous Avatar

    hey, you dont know me but I found this site through someone’s xanga journal, and i was looking around in here and now im wondering if maybe you could give me a code so i can get my own journal? if not its cool, email me at if you get it thanks, mel